Envía una recarga telefónica a Sierra Leona

Haz clic en cualquiera de los siguientes enlaces para obtener más información sobre el envío de recargas telefónicas a Sierra Leona:

  • Where can I send airtime top-ups in Sierra Leone?

  • How do I send an airtime top-up in Sierra Leone?

Where can I send airtime top-ups in Sierra Leone?

You can send airtime top-ups with a variety of operators in Sierra Leone. Please refer to our list of operators.

How do I send an airtime top-up in Sierra Leone?

  • Select “airtime” as the service on our app or website.

  • Enter your recipient’s mobile number

Once a valid number has been entered, you will be shown a list of products/top-up amounts available for that operator. Select the relevant one and follow the simple instructions.

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